Kosher Gluten Free Beef Stew Recipe

This Gluten Complimentary Beef Stew recipe is thick, full of potatoes and carrots and fabricated on the stove peak. Perfect old fashioned condolement food!

This recipe for Beef Stew was first published a few years ago and has received lots of positive reviews and feedback and so I figured with colder weather fast budgeted it was loftier time for a facelift.

Beef stew in white bowl next to Dutch oven.

I tend to take mixed feelings almost winter and colder conditions in general - Some years I love it and others I can't wait for it to end. I constant that remains among all of my cold-conditions mood swings are all the warming soups and stews that come with it.

This is the best time of year for a big basin of Potato Corn Chowder or some aromatic Chicken Pho or a rustic Cannellini Edible bean Soup.

This gluten costless beef stew is literally ane of my husband'due south favorite dishes. He informed me that he has dreamt about nearly it on more than than one occasion and he stands looking over my shoulder every time I make it. He kind of turns into the kid on his way to the amusement park - 'Is information technology washed notwithstanding? Is it done nonetheless?'

I really can't blame him, though. In that location's zip quite like a pot of slowly simmered meat and mesomorphic vegetables in a rich and comforting sauce.

Jump to:
  • How To Make Beef Stew From Scratch
  • Which Potatoes are Best For Stew?
  • What Is The Best Meat For Beef Stew?
  • Do I Have To Dark-brown The Meat Commencement?
  • How To Make Tender Beef Stew
  • How To Season Beef Stew
  • What Kind Of Crimson Vino Should I Utilise?
  • How To Thicken Stove Acme Beefiness Stew
  • What To Serve With Erstwhile Fashioned Beef Stew
  • How Long Does Beef Stew Last In The Fridge?
  • Tin can I Freeze Beefiness Stew?
  • Gluten Complimentary Beef Stew (Stove Top Recipe)
Minced garlic and onions, chopped red potatoes and carrots on wooden cutting board with knife.

How To Make Beef Stew From Scratch

Hearty beef stew is definitely a downward to world classic just there are steps you can have to elevate information technology. This will permit y'all to develop layers of flavor and help to provide a deep, rich broth that's and then essential to a dish like this one.

Every bit with whatsoever soup or stew, the first step is to gather your ingredients along with a knife and a cutting board.

Garlic and onions are at the base of operations of this stew and aid to provide it with a great savory foundation.

Which Potatoes are Best For Stew?

My favorite all-around potatoes (and I employ them to make everything from Buttermilk Mashed Potatoes to Herb Roasted Potatoes to Mediterranean Tater Salad) are red potatoes.

Scarlet potatoes fall into the category of 'waxy potatoes' and are amidst the best varieties for dishes like soups and stews. They are less starchy than Russet potatoes and tend to concur their shape and do not become mushy as they melt.

Other waxy potatoes include Yukon gold or fingerling potatoes.

It is non necessary to peel the potatoes before calculation them to this stew but thoroughly scrubbing them to remove any dirt is always recommended.

Ingredients For Gluten Free Beef Stew:

  • six cloves Garlic
  • 1 large Onion
  • 3 Tbsp. Olive Oil (carve up)
  • ½ cup Gluten Gratis Flour Blend (or regular AP flour if not GF)
  • 1 - 1.v lbs. Beef Chuck Roast
  • 4-5 big Carrots (equals three heaping cups sliced carrots)
  • 4-v Reddish Potatoes (equals three heaping cups diced potatoes
  • ½ cup Red Wine
  • iv cups Gluten Free Beef Goop (or regular beef broth if not GF)
  • 3 Tbsp. Tomato Paste
  • two tsp. Italian Seasoning
  • ½ tsp. Kosher Table salt and Pepper (split)
Chunks of raw beef chuck roast dredged in flour on wooden cutting board.

What Is The Best Meat For Beef Stew?

At present for the meat. Stews are neat because you don't need a huge, expensive chunk of beefiness. In fact, cheaper cuts of beefiness like chuck or bottom round are recommended.

They are tougher cuts of meat that are full of connective tissue and this is exactly what you want. That connective tissue volition soften equally it cooks and consequence in a rich and flavorful broth.

My favorite cut for beef stew is good one-time chuck roast. You don't need a huge steak - 1 - one.five lbs. or and then will do.

Do I Accept To Brownish The Meat Kickoff?

Start off by cutting the steak into cubes. I recommend using a separate cutting lath when cutting the meat so as not to cross-contaminate with the vegetables.

The chunks of beef should be bite-size and relatively uniform so that they cook evenly.

Once the meat is cubed it's fourth dimension to dredge it in flour - To 'dredge' something simply means to coat it in flour. Pour ½ cup of flour or and then over the meat and toss until completely coated.

A Note Almost The Flour:

This recipe is gluten free and uses a gluten complimentary flour blend similar Bob'due south Carmine Manufacturing plant 1 to i flour. If gluten is not an issue for you simply substitute the same corporeality of All-Purpose Flour.

The meat is and then seared in oil in a cast atomic number 26 Dutch oven or heavy-bottomed soup pan on the stove top. It's important to sear the meat because it helps to caramelize the surface and provides that great 'compact' flavor that we all know and love with dishes like this hearty beef stew.

Photo collage of seared beef, garlic, onions, red wine, and carrots added to Dutch oven.

How To Brand Tender Beef Stew

  1. Start past mincing vi cloves of garlic and 1 large onion.
  2. Slice iv-5 large carrots (equals 3 heaping cups) and cube 4-half dozen carmine potatoes (equals 3 heaping cups).
  3. Heat a cast fe Dutch oven or a heavy-bottomed soup pan to medium-high and add together 1 Tbsp. of olive oil. Brand certain the oil is fully heated (the meat should sizzle in one case added to the pan).
  4. I find information technology works best to sear the meat in batches - You will not overcrowd the pan this style and each slice volition get an even sear. Add half of the dredged meat to the pan and melt for 2-3 minutes on each side. Add ¼ tsp. of kosher salt and pepper to each batch of meat equally it cooks.
  5. Once each side is evenly seared, remove the meat and set aside. The whole process is repeated at this betoken. Oestrus some other Tbsp. of oil, add the meat and sear for ii-iii minutes on each side with more than salt and pepper and so remove and set aside.

How To Season Beefiness Stew

  1. Once all the meat is removed add together ane Tbsp. of olive oil.
  2. Add the garlic and onions to the pan and saute on medium-high for four-v minutes. Make sure to scrape up all the brown $.25 that were left on the lesser of the pan past the meat and mix them in with the garlic and onions. You lot desire all those brown $.25. Chocolate-brown $.25 = lots of flavor!
  3. Add together ½ cup red wine to the garlic and onions. Saute this mixture for 4-5 minutes or until the wine reduces. Yep, it looks a little funky, but I promise you those funky-looking $.25 are packed total of season.
  4. Add the sliced carrots to the pan and saute the carrots for v minutes, stirring frequently.
Uncooked beef stew with carrots, potatoes, and broth in cast iron Dutch oven.

What Kind Of Reddish Vino Should I Employ?

You lot can use whatever blazon of cerise wine you like but a dry robust vino similar Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet, or a Red Blend work great.

It is generally advised when cooking with vino to use a varietal that you enjoy drinking.

  1. Once the carrots take sauteed for 5-6 minutes add three cups of GF beef broth and all of the seared meat to the pan.
  2. Bring the stew to a boil and then reduce to a low boil.
  3. Cover and cook for 20 minutes on a low eddy. After xx minutes, add together one more cup of beef broth and all of the chopped potatoes.
  4. Cover and melt for another 20 minutes on a low boil.

After 45 minutes or so cooking covered on a depression-medium boil the carrots and potatoes should be softened and easily pierced with a pocketknife or fork only not mushy.

Scoop of cooked beef stew lifted from Dutch oven in metal ladle.

How To Thicken Stove Top Beef Stew

The beef stew is basically finished at this point but these last few steps volition help to thicken the stew and to provide an unbeatable flavour.

  1. Remove the embrace from the pot and add 3 Tbsp. of tomato paste. Stir the lycopersicon esculentum paste into the stew until it is completely incorporated and the stew has reached your desired consistency. The tomato paste works to thicken the stew up and helps to deepen the flavor.
  2. Add 2 tsp. of Italian seasoning or 1 tsp. of dried oregano and 1 tsp. of stale thyme (whichever y'all have on manus). Stir the herbs until incorporated.
  3. Comprehend and simmer for some other two minutes or so.

The meat should have softened by this indicate and the vegetables should be tender.

Feel free to adjust the seasonings and add more table salt and pepper if y'all similar.

Gluten free beef stew in white bowl with spoon garnished with thyme.

What To Serve With Old Fashioned Beef Stew

Your whole household should now be crazed with hunger from the wonderful smells coming out of your kitchen. This is common cold weather condition comfort food 101. Apprehensive ingredients brought to a whole other level with a few simple cooking techniques.

This Gluten Complimentary Beef Stew a standalone dish and really doesn't need a side but y'all definitely can't go wrong with some warm crusty bread, garlic toast, gluten gratis biscuits, or gluten complimentary cheese scones to sop up that delicious broth.

If you're looking to serve a crowd and desire some side dish options a Marinated Tomato Salad, Butternut Squash Salad, Wild Rice, or Mashed Sweet Potatoes are all great choices.

If y'all like this Hearty Beefiness Stew I call back you lot'll love this Cherry-red Wine Pot Roast and Italian Brusque Ribs!

Beef stew in white bowls garnished with thyme next to Dutch oven.

How Long Does Beef Stew Last In The Fridge?

It should last 3-iv days stored in an closed container in the fridge.

Can I Freeze Beef Stew?


Gluten Costless Beef Stew makes a not bad freezer meal.

How To Freeze:

But set up and allow it to come to room temperature. In one case cooled, place in heavy-duty freezer bags or airtight drinking glass food container, characterization with the date, and freeze upwards to 3 months.

How To Reheat:

Thaw overnight in the fridge and reheat on the stove top.

Yous can as well identify the frozen soup in a Dutch Oven or heavy-bottomed soup pan, add some h2o or broth, thaw and reheat on the stove top.

During those busy fall weeknights when everyone is back in school information technology's dainty to take meals like this pre-made in the freezer to heat up equally we demand them.

Give it a try - Only promise that you'll written report dorsum to me if your spouse starts having dreams well-nigh this beefiness stew!

Love stew? Check out these recipes!

  • Turkey Stew
  • Gluten Free Chicken Stew
  • Dutch Oven Vegetable Stew

And if you love archetype condolement food, bank check out this Archetype Chicken Noodle Soup!

Love piece of cake beefiness recipes? Don't Miss These:

  • Slow Cooker Southwest Beef Chili
  • White potato Tot Hotdish
  • Ground Beef Pizza Stuffed Peppers
  • Cheesy Beef and Bean Enchiladas
  • Grilled Chuck Steak
  • Steak Diane with Mushrooms
  • Instant Pot Pot Roast
  • Juicy Lucy Burgers

Looking For More than Hearty Stew Recipes? Don't Miss These!

Spanish Chicken Stew

Easy Venison Stew

Traditional Brunswick Stew

Cioppino Seafood Stew

Classic hearty beef stew in white bowl with spoon.

Gluten Free Beef Stew (Stove Tiptop Recipe)

This Gluten Gratis Beefiness Stew recipe is thick, full of potatoes and carrots and fabricated on the stove top. Perfect old fashioned condolement food!

Prep Time 15 mins

Cook Fourth dimension one 60 minutes xv mins

Total Fourth dimension i hr 30 mins

Course Main Course

Cuisine American

Servings vi

Calories 612 kcal

  • six cloves garlic
  • ane large onion white or yellow
  • 3 Tbsp. olive oil separate
  • ½ cup gluten costless flour blend or AP flour if non gluten free
  • 1 - 1.5 lb. beef chuck roast
  • 4-v big carrots yields 3 cups
  • four-six red potatoes yields three cups
  • ½ loving cup reddish wine
  • 4 cups gluten free beef broth or regular beef broth if non GF
  • 3 Tbsp. tomato paste
  • ii tsp. Italian seasoning
  • ½ tsp. kosher common salt split
  • ½ tsp. pepper split
  • Mince half dozen cloves of garlic and 1 large onion (white or xanthous).

  • Launder, scrub, and dry four-five carrots and 4-six ruddy potatoes. Cut the carrots into slices and cutting the potatoes into cubes.

  • Using a divide cutting board cut ane - 1.5 lbs. of beef chuck roast into seize with teeth-size cubes. Cascade ½ cup of gluten gratuitous flour (or regular AP flour if not GF) over the meat and toss until completely coated.

  • Estrus a cast iron Dutch oven or heavy-lesser soup pan to medium-high and add i Tbsp. olive oil. Once heated, add half of the cubed meat and melt for 2-3 minutes on each side. Add ¼ tsp. kosher salt and pepper. One time the meat is seared on all sides remove and prepare bated. Repeat this process with 2d batch of meat. Ready seared meat aside.

  • Add some other 1 Tbsp. of olive oil to pan then add together the minced garlic and onions. Saute for 4-5 minutes, scraping upward the dark-brown bits equally they cook.

  • Add together ½ cup red wine to pan and saute for four-5 minutes or until wine reduces.

  • Add the sliced carrots to pan and saute for v minutes, stirring frequently.

  • Add three cups of beef broth and the seared meat to the Dutch oven. Bring the stew to a boil, reduce to a depression-medium eddy, cover, and melt for 20 minutes.

  • Add 1 more loving cup beef broth and the diced potatoes to the pan. Cover again and melt for another 20 minutes or until the potatoes are tender.

  • Remove cover and add 3 Tbsp. tomato paste and ii tsp. Italian seasoning. Stir together until completely incorporated and cook for another 2 minutes or until the stew has thickened to desired consistency. Adjust salt and pepper levels to gustatory modality and serve.

You tin can add together more broth if you like the stew to accept a thinner consistency or more tomato paste for a thicker consistency.
Feel gratuitous to cook the stew longer if the meat has not reached desired tenderness.

Serving: two cups Calories: 612 kcal Carbohydrates: 41 g Protein: 43 g Fatty: 30 g Saturated Fat: 11 g Cholesterol: 130 mg Sodium: 1027 mg Potassium: 1683 mg Fiber: 6 thou Saccharide: 7 g Vitamin A: 8194 IU Vitamin C: 19 mg Calcium: 120 mg Iron: 7 mg

Keyword beefiness stew, gluten free beef stew, onetime fashioned beef stew, beefiness stew Dutch oven,

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