How to Know You Have Lose Testosterone

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Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in large amounts by males (and a piddling bit in females), in the testes and adrenal glands. High testosterone levels are associated with sexual performance, reproductive function, muscle mass, hair growth, aggressive, competitive behaviors, and other such manly things. Testosterone levels tend to acme at the age of 40, and slowly decline from there. Luckily, at that place are many things you can do to increase testosterone, so if you feel like your testosterone levels could use a boost, you've come up to the right place.

  1. one

    Alter your eating habits. How much testosterone your trunk produces has a lot to do with diet, so it's important to go aware of exactly what yous're eating. A adept testosterone-friendly diet includes plenty of healthy fats, light-green leafy vegetables, poly peptide and cholesterol (it's non all bad!). Depression-fat diets should be avoided when trying to boost testosterone.

    • For example, minerals such as zinc and magnesium aid to get testosterone product started, while a healthy level of cholesterol allows your Leydig cells to actually brand testosterone.
    • In addition, veggies such equally broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage work to lower the levels of estrogen (a female hormone) in your trunk, thus boosting testosterone levels.[1]
  2. 2

    Get some nuts. Incorporating a handful or two of walnuts or almonds into your daily nutrition is a cracking, easy way to increase testosterone levels.

    • Too try branching out to brazil basics, cashews, peanuts and other nuts high in monounsaturated fats, every bit men who regularly consume these fats have college testosterone levels than men who don't.[2]
    • Seeds, such as sunflower and sesame seeds, as well provide high levels of monounsaturated fats, in addition to poly peptide, vitamin Due east and zinc, all of which boost testosterone.
    • For the healthiest option, go for the unflavored, unsalted versions of nuts and seeds.


  3. 3

    Consume oysters and other zinc-rich foods. Zinc is one of the most important minerals your trunk needs for the production of testosterone. In fact, increasing your zinc intake can significantly raise testosterone levels in every bit piffling as half-dozen weeks.

    • If you're looking for a quick set up, six oysters is all the boost your body needs to produce more testosterone, every bit oysters comprise loads of zinc.[3]
    • Just if shellfish isn't your affair, you can too increase your zinc intake past eating poly peptide-rich meats and fish, along with raw dairy products such as milk and cheese, all of which incorporate high levels of zinc.
    • If you lot're finding it difficult to increment your zinc intake through diet alone (especially as a vegan or vegetarian) you tin can help the process along by taking a zinc supplement. The recommended intake for adults is no more than 40 mg per day.
  4. 4

    Outset the day with oatmeal. The health benefits of oatmeal are well-known - information technology is high in fiber and depression in fat - but now there is one more reason to outset your day with a basin of oats: a 2012 report has shown that oatmeal is linked with increased levels of testosterone.

    • The study found evidence that compounds in oats called avenacosides can limit the level of sexual practice-hormone-binding globulins in the system, thus increasing testosterone levels.[four]
    • Oatmeal has as well been shown to improve sexual performance. Information technology loaded with 50-arginine, an amino acid that reacts with nitric oxide to relax blood vessels. When those blood vessels expand, blood flow is increased mightily.
  5. 5

    Consume upward to 3 whole eggs per solar day. Eggs are basically a testosterone-producing superfood. Their yolks incorporate high levels of HDL (a.k.a. the "good" blazon of cholesterol) which forms the building blocks of testosterone product.

    • In addition, eggs are high in protein and loaded with zinc - two more testosterone producing essentials.
    • Don't worry nearly your arteries - eating "good" cholesterol will not raise your blood cholesterol levels (different "bad" cholesterol such as triglycerides) and then you can eat upward to three whole eggs a day without compromising your health.
  6. 6

    Eat cabbage . Cabbage (along with other leafy green veg such equally spinach and kale) can practise wonders for your testosterone levels. It contains a phytochemical called indole-three-carbinol (IC3) which has the dual effect of increasing male hormones while decreasing female ones.

    • Specifically, a study conducted at Rockefeller University Hospital showed that estrogen levels were reduced by up to 50% in men who took 500 mg of IC3 a week, thus making existing testosterone levels much more effective.
    • The most effective way to increase your IC3 levels at dwelling house is to consume plenty of cabbage, and then try making cabbage soup, cabbage rolls, cabbage juice, or good old cabbage and potatoes.
  7. vii

    Reduce your sugar intake. Scientists take found that obese men are 2.4 times more likely to take low testosterone than their counterparts, so it's of import that you lot effort to shed any extra pounds in order to increase testosterone.[5] The fastest fashion to do this is to cut as much processed sugar from your diet every bit possible.

    • If yous are an avid soda drinker, that should be the first matter to get. Sodas are filled with processed sugars and empty calories, which atomic number 82 to insulin resistance and weight gain. Simply by cutting your daily tin of soda from your diet, you could exist eliminating a ton of calories.
    • Fructose is a type of sugar found in candy foods and fruit juices. It is believed to be one of the major factors behind modern-day obesity. To decrease your fructose intake, cut out candy food and drinks, along with refined carbohydrates plant in breakfast cereals, bagels, pretzels, waffles etc.
  8. 8

    Take vitamin D3. It's technically a hormone, only a really important one at that. Studies show that people who regularly take D3 supplements actually have higher testosterone levels.[six]

  9. nine

    Stay away from supplements that aren't backed up by scientific evidence. While they may be in vogue, they certainly don't help you produce more than testosterone. These are the things you should stay away from:

    • Vitamin C. Unless you lot take diabetes, y'all won't benefit much from taking this supplement to boost your testosterone. While it may exist beneficial in boosting testosterone in diabetic rats, that's virtually the extent of the scientific prove.[seven] You're nigh likely getting plenty vitamin C from your diet.
    • ZMA. ZMA is a supplement alloy of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Recent studies take found that ZMA has admittedly no effect on the production of testosterone in men.[8] Unless yous know you have deficiencies in whatsoever i of these categories, steer clear.
    • Do your research. Research supplements that claim to help raise testosterone levels. If you're unsure, be your own advocate and make an informed conclusion. Merely because it's out at that place on the cyberspace does not make it true.


  1. ane

    Develop an exercise plan and stick to it. If you're hoping to increase your testosterone levels, diet isn't the only matter to consider. Do is an equally important office of increasing testosterone levels, which is why you should come up upwards with an effective, all the same sustainable fitness programme designed to maximize testosterone production.

    • Specific types of do, such every bit weightlifting, really cause the body to produce more testosterone.
    • Exercising decreases your chances of being overweight and, as discussed above, being overweight can negatively touch testosterone levels.[1]
    • If y'all're not certain where to begin, it may be a proficient idea to enlist the services of a personal trainer who can develop an exercise program specifically tailored to your current fitness level, along with your desired outcome.
  2. 2

    Start lifting weights. If you desire to heave testosterone, yous should brainstorm to elevator weights, as weight-lifting is the most effective class of exercise for increasing testosterone production. Nonetheless, for best results, you lot will need to lift heavier weights with fewer repetitions, and it's probably best to avoid the weight machines altogether. Stick with gratis weights and follow the advice below:

    • Lift large muscle groups. Studies testify that lifting larger muscle groups, which crave complex, chemical compound movements, is much more effective for producing testosterone than working just one or two smaller muscles.[9] For this reason, you should stick with weight exercises such equally bench presses, squats, deadlifts, and shoulder presses.
    • Attempt to work out with high volume. The type of exercises you perform will mean zero if you lot don't have enough volume. Y'all should be doing at least iii to 4 sets of each compound exercise, using a weight you can only lift 5 times per prepare. The volume of your workout is determined past this formula: reps x sets ten weight = volume. However, when it comes down to a choice betwixt more repetitions or more sets, y'all should cull more sets every time.
    • Focus on high intensity. Push yourself hard in the gym - only by pushing yourself to your physical limit will y'all maximize your testosterone production. Increase intensity by performing each exercise more slowly and by resting for no longer than two minutes betwixt sets[10]
  3. iii

    Endeavour high intensity interval training. High intensity interval training, or HIIT, is some other form of exercise which tin can actively increase testosterone levels, in addition to improving fitness and speeding up the metabolism.

    • HIIT involves performing an exercise in a short, intense burst then following it upwardly with an easier, recovery exercise. This process is and then repeated several times throughout the workout.[1]
    • This type of exercising can be adapted for well-nigh types of exercise - you tin perform HIIT on the treadmill, the elliptical, in the swimming puddle, etc. But use the post-obit formula: perform the high-intensity exercise for approximately 30 seconds, then follow information technology up with approximately 90 seconds of slower recovery exercise. Repeat this 7 more times for best results.
    • Fifty-fifty 20 minutes of this blazon of exercise can reap huge rewards - so in that location'south no excuse for not finding the time.
  4. 4

    Do some cardio. While cardio exercise won't have a huge impact on testosterone production, information technology tin still have a positive impact on overall testosterone levels. As a effect, you should effort to incorporate some running, swimming, spinning or other aerobic exercise into your fitness plan.

    • Cardio is one of the best ways to burn fatty, so incorporating a trivial running or swimming into your weekly exercise plan will assist yous to shed any extra pounds. This is good news, every bit being overweight can negatively impact testosterone.
    • When you're stressed, your body releases a chemical chosen cortisol which, amongst other things, inhibits testosterone production. Cardio practice is also a keen class of stress-relief so information technology can reduce your trunk's cortisol production, thus increasing testosterone.
    • However, cardio should be practiced in moderation - at that place's no need to get a long-distance runner. In fact, a report conducted by the Academy of British Columbia found that male person runners who ran more than 40 miles (64 km) per weeks had lower levels of testosterone than brusk-altitude runners.[11]
  5. 5

    Allow your body to recover betwixt workouts. Despite the importance of exercise, it is imperative that you lot give your body the time information technology needs to recover between workouts. Otherwise, your exercise authorities may be having a negative consequence on your testosterone levels.

    • A study conducted past the University of North Carolina found that over-preparation can subtract men's testosterone levels past upwards to xl%. Therefore, it is very important that you lot take at least two days off from intense exercise per week, and that yous avoid working the same muscle groups in ii consecutive training sessions.[12]
    • On days when yous're not exercising intensely, just endeavour to be more active than usual. Take the stairs instead of the lift, walk or bicycle to work, utilize a standing desk instead of sitting downwardly all day. These modest changes assist to keep your body moving, which is practiced news for testosterone levels.


  1. 1

    Go enough sleep. Sleep is a very important gene when it comes to testosterone levels. This is because your body uses the time you're asleep to produce more testosterone. Therefore, y'all should practice your very best to become at least seven to viii hours sleep a night.

    • A study conducted at the University of Chicago found that men who spent less than five hours sleeping for vii consecutive nights produced 10% to 15% less testosterone compared to when they were fully rested.[1]
    • In addition to decreased testosterone production, being slumber deprived likewise increases the amount of cortisol (the stress hormone) in your organization, and high levels of cortisol negatively bear on testosterone levels.
    • Non getting enough slumber likewise interferes with your growth hormones, which can prevent you from building musculus when you work out.
    • You should also try to improve the quality of your slumber by turning off all computers and electronics an hour before bed, fugitive caffeinated drinks late in the evening, and having a hot shower before bed.
  2. 2

    Avoid stress. Many experts believe that stress is one of the major contributing factors in the widespread autumn in testosterone levels in modernistic day men. This is because the hormone which causes stress - cortisol - has been establish to take an inverse relationship with testosterone.

    • In other words, when cortisol levels are loftier, testosterone levels are low, and vice versa. It is believed that cortisol, which puts your trunk in "fight or flight" survival fashion, conflicts with testosterone-related behaviors such as aggression, competition and mating. This is why the two cannot co-exist harmoniously.
    • In order to maximize testosterone levels, it is of import to minimize stress in any mode you tin. Consider trying deep breathing techniques, meditation, yoga or visualization.
  3. 3

    Cut back on the booze. Alcohol can have a negative impact on your testosterone production. Binge drinking can negatively affect the endocrine organization, which, in plow, prevents the testes from producing testosterone.

    • In addition, alcohol raises cortisol levels and inhibits growth hormones - bad news for testosterone.
    • Unfortunately, beer is the worst type of booze when it comes to healthy testosterone. This is because the hops used to make beer are full of estrogen (the female person hormone). So you might switch to drinking liquor instead, or nix at all.[13]
    • When drinking, it's best to cut yourself off afterwards two/three drinks, as this will limit the damage to your testosterone levels.
  4. 4

    Reduce your caffeine intake. Caffeine needs to exist taken in moderation, otherwise information technology can produce cortisol, which negatively impacts testosterone levels.[14]

    • In addition, consuming too much caffeine belatedly in the twenty-four hours tin disrupt sleeping patterns - and less sleep ways less testosterone.
    • However, contempo studies have shown that consuming caffeine before a workout can really boost your performance - so if yous're really craving a cup of coffee, accept one before you pump fe. [fifteen]
  5. 5

    Indulge in things you bask. Luckily, increasing your testosterone levels doesn't take to be all work and no play. There are several enjoyable things y'all can do to boost your testosterone.

    • Scout more than sports. Researchers at the Academy of Utah have establish that the testosterone levels of sports fans are linked with their favorite squad'south performance. The testosterone levels of the inquiry subjects increased by up to xx% when their team won, merely decreased by the same percentage when their team lost. Therefore, you should experience completely justified in watching more sports - as long as you're sure your team will win!
    • Take more sexual activity. You probably know that testosterone is what fuels men's sex activity drive, but did you know that information technology also works the other way around? That'southward right; having sexual activity can actually increase your testosterone levels. And not just that - just the human action of having an erection, or getting turned on by an attractive person is enough to heave testosterone.[13]
    • Enjoy the great outdoors. Getting outside and enjoying the sunshine can be hugely benign to testosterone. In fact, exposing yourself to those vitamin D filled rays for just xv to twenty minutes a solar day can increase testosterone levels past a whopping 120%. If you can sunbathe naked, the results are even higher. Just don't get defenseless.
  6. half-dozen

    Address high claret pressure levels. Studies take found that men with high blood force per unit area are one.8 times likelier to have low testosterone than their counterparts.[5]

    • There are specific diets than y'all can offset on — such as the DASH nutrition — in gild to decrease your high blood pressure and improve your testosterone levels.
    • Other factors such every bit reducing stress, cutting out booze and booze, and maintaining a healthy weight can all help to reduce blood pressure level.
    • And if all else fails, blood pressure medication tin can assist to proceed your hypertension under command. Run across your doctor to effigy out the best course of action for you.
  7. 7

    Avert xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens are chemicals that mimic the effects of estrogen in the body, which is bad news for your testosterone levels. Unfortunately xenoestrogens (like other endocrine disruptors) have infiltrated almost every office of daily lives and are impossible to avert completely. Here are some ways you tin can limit your exposure:

    • Avoid heating food in plastic containers. If you lot're heating upwards leftovers, brand certain to transfer your food to a plate before popping in the microwave. Well-nigh plastic containers contain phthalates (a type of xenoestrogen) which can exist transferred to your food when the plastic is heated. If possible, store your food in drinking glass containers instead.
    • Limit exposure to pesticides and gasoline. Both of these contain xenoestrogens, so endeavour to limit your exposure equally much as possible. If you lot come in contact with either, launder your hands thoroughly afterwards.
    • Swallow organic produce. Non-organic foods are often sprayed with pesticides and pumped with hormones which mimic the furnishings of estrogen in the body. Cull organic production when possible, or at least wash fruit and veg thoroughly earlier eating and avert meat and dairy products which come from cows that have been treated with hormones.
    • Use natural grooming products. Items such as shampoos, soaps, toothpastes and deodorants can innovate xenoestrogens to the torso, so consider making the switch to more than natural versions of these products.[1]
  8. 8

    See your medico. If yous believe you may exist suffering from a condition called low-testosterone, consult with your doctor. Your doc can check your testosterone levels by ordering a blood test. If your levels are low, your doc can prescribe medicine that will assistance your body produce more testosterone.

    • Continue in mind that testosterone levels are highest in the morn, then it is all-time to go your levels checked early in the day.


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  • Question

    I take read that eggs tin can lower testosterone. Is this true?

    Marsha Durkin, RN

    Marsha Durkin is a Registered Nurse and Laboratory Information Specialist for Mercy Hospital and Medical Center in Illinois. She received her Assembly Degree in Nursing from Olney Central College in 1987.

    Marsha Durkin, RN

    Registered Nurse

    Expert Answer

    No. Whole eggs are a good source of HDL cholesterol, which is the practiced cholesterol, and so eggs are a testosterone-boosting food.

  • Question

    What happens to my testosterone if I masturbate?

    Marsha Durkin, RN

    Marsha Durkin is a Registered Nurse and Laboratory Information Specialist for Mercy Hospital and Medical Center in Illinois. She received her Assembly Degree in Nursing from Olney Central College in 1987.

    Marsha Durkin, RN

    Registered Nurse

    Expert Respond

    Masturbation is an activity that causes your testosterone levels to ascension, so it may boost your testosterone.

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  • Before puberty, testosterone levels are very low. The level of testosterone continues to rise during adulthood until it peaks around historic period 40, then gradually decreases.

  • Talk to your md about hormone replacement therapy if you're interested in transitioning.[sixteen]


  • If you program on taking supplements, brand sure you do some research and consult your doctor beginning.


About This Article

Article Summary 10

To increment your testosterone levels with food, make certain to get a balanced diet that includes enough of lean proteins, leafy vegetables, and salubrious fats and cholesterol. One peachy way to get healthy fats and essential vitamins is to eat unsalted nuts and seeds, such equally almonds, walnuts, peanuts, or sunflower seeds. Your body also needs essential minerals similar zinc to produce testosterone, so go for zinc-rich foods like shellfish and dairy products. Other good testosterone-boosting foods include oatmeal, eggs, and cabbage. Information technology's also important to avert foods that inhibit testosterone product, and so stay away from sugary treats and sodas. You may take heard that some supplements can boost testosterone, but don't try them without talking to your doctor first. Read on for more than advice from our Medical co-writer, including how to increase your testosterone with exercise and lifestyle changes!

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How to Know You Have Lose Testosterone


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